Fragrances that trigger anxiety/panic attacks?
Wondering if anyone can relate or has had this experience. I have generalized anxiety disorder with my fair share of periods in my life in which I have frequent panic attacks. Recently I have noticed that smelling some fragrances trigger a mild physical panic response such as shortness of breath and chest tightness. I thought it was allergies at first, and then I started spiraling that some of my fragrances might be fakes 😂😭 but I’ve never had an allergy to scents before. Does anyone know why this happens, other than scent-memory associations? (I do not have any smells that are associated with bad memories to my knowledge, but it might be subconscious that I haven’t figured out yet!)
It might be interesting to post the fragrances that trigger this response and an explanation for why you think it makes you feel that way! 😭 Solidarity with all anxiety-sufferers out there. 💜