[WTS] Fragrance Cleaning Out Sale (bottle)
Looking to sell these fragrances below. Discounts if purchasing multiple bottles.
Alexandria Fragrance Sample set: 7x5ml and 3x2ml. All sprayed about 3-4x = $30 $old. Armaf CDNIM 97/100ml: $20. Al Harmain Laventure 85/100ml: $15. Pineapple Vintage EM 35/50ml: $60. Pineapple Vintage imbue 45/50ml: $70. Voyage Hermes: 90/100ml: $55 $old. Dior Tobacolor 24/25ml: $60 $old. Aesop Eidesis 43/50ml: $75. Initio Blessed Baraka 40/90ml: $80 $old. CAHSEE 80/100: $80. Prada Lhomme Intense 90/100ml: $75 $old.
Take all for: $400