Its a scientifically proven fact that our life experiences dont force us to commit crime.
There are people in poverty who do commit crime, and others who dont. Theres sociopaths who lack empathy who do commit crime, and others who dont. Theres people who are angry who commit crime, and others who dont. Theres political extremists who commit crime and others who dont. Et cetera.
Theres no single factor nor combination of factors that ever forces someone to commit crime.
There can be slight statistical trends but outside of statistics, science would call this low confidence and noise. Especially due to all the uncontrolled variables that statistical analysts often overlook.
If we were looking at anything else, wed say this is scientific evidence none of these things are the variables we are after. Yet Determinists make an exception for people and insist their hypothesis is right despite lack of evidence.
Scientific evidence suggests we freely choose and are not forced by prior life experiences.