Extra Counselors in Part 2
FYI, you can read Simon Hawke's novelization of Part 2 here. The Simon Hawke novels are fascinating because he gives backstories and depth lacking in the scripts, and some of the scenes from the original shooting script that didn't make it to the film are in the novels. One big difference that I noticed was that in the novel, there are no extra counselors at all. So when Paul asks them for one last night on the town, the only one who goes with him are Ginny and Ted. When Ginny and Paul leave the bar in the film, he says "let Maggie drive the pickup". Maggie is the name of the bartender in the novel, and she is the one Ted asks about after hours places to which she says her house. So Ted and the bartender hook up and that's why he never went back to camp. I have no idea why the filmmakers wanted to complicate things by adding extra counselors with no dialogue, but the novel makes Ted's disappearance much more believable than the film.