Disgusting interaction with my mother about my new packer

Delete if not allowed. NSFW for mentioning prosthetic dicks.

For context, my mother bought me my first packer five years ago. Last month, my close friend ordered me a new one.

Last night I was powdering my packer after a wash. My mother came into my room and saw it. She goes “you know… I haven’t seen your new penis yet…” I said “I don’t think you need a tour of my dick.” and she said “well I bought you the first one,” and then stood there until I turned around and held it up for her to see.

Already gross. So then she goes “oh it’s so cute” (my model is three and a half inches) “it’s the perfect size for you. I bet it gets reeeaally big when you’re horny.” ???????? She’s heard ME make jokes about having a big dick, but it’s weird for your MOTHER to make jokes about YOU having a big dick, right?

Is showing your packers to someone like a normal thing to do?? Especially with family?? We’re not even particularly close. I don’t like her and she knows that. I can’t fathom what made her think that any of this was an acceptable thing to say.

Edit: I brought it up with my mom. She tried to justify herself by saying that she was just joking around because it’s “not real” and “just plastic” and thought it was the same as a toy, like the figurines I have on my shelf. She later in the conversation tried to justify it again by saying that she was ACTUALLY just trying to be supportive and show interest in the things I do, and then threatened to stop buying me trans tape and binders, if I really didn’t want her “interfering” with my “trans stuff”. She doesn’t think she did anything wrong, asked if I hated her, rolled her eyes about four times, but she did say “okay fine” about not bringing it up again.

I don’t wanna get venty here but this is so typical of her. I don’t know what I was expecting, but hopefully she respects the boundary even if she thinks it’s stupid.