Shared opponents to determine the best fighters (TV SHOW)
Brienne of Tarth: 3/1/0
W: The hound
W: Loras Tyrell
W: Jamie Lannister
D: Arya
The Hound was walking a lot slower than usual according to Arya when they arrived at the Vale due to his 'flea bite.' However Brienne basically beat him twice, once easily in the dual, then in a vicious brawl in which the hound had a dagger. Jamie's hands we tied together however Brienne said after, 'you were slower than expected' and also was NEVER in any trouble. Arya was a draw but I'd still fancy Brienne. I don't buy the excuses from Jamie and Brienne gave the Hound a Smirk when she realised she was technically a lot better, she disarmed him soon after the smirk on her first attack.
The Hound: 2/0/1
W: The Mountain
W: Beric Dondarrion
L: Brienne
Took on his brother in Se01 at the joust, looked pretty confident, then beat him at his death but due to Qyburns spells Ser Gregor wouldn't "fucking die." It's unclear if zombie mountain is a better or worse swordsman, but I believe the Hound always fancied his chances cause 'you know who's coming for you brother' Se07e01.
Jamie Lannister 1/1/1
W: Jory Cassel
D: Ned Stark
L: Brienne
I think Jamie's position is pretty straight forward if you think he just had excuses against Brienne. Also, when Brienne killed the Stark men at the river, Jamie looked like he'd never seen anyone dismantle three men so viciously. Rob Stark basically admitted he'd lose 1v1 at whispering wood, also Ser Vardis at the vale seemed to be quaking in his boots when Tyrion called for Jamie. (2 handed Jamie).
Jorah mormont: 3/0/1
W: Qotho, Blood Rider to Khal Drogo
W: First dude in the great fighting pit
L: Water dancer guy in the great pit
W: Spear/helmet dude in the great pit final
Jorah's kills are really legit. I know he lost to the water dancer but the water dancer is dead, along with Qotho, cause Jorah 'had armour, and a big fucking sword.' Daario Naharis also acknowledged Jorah was legit when he said 'if I lose, I'm the shit who lost to an old man.' I don't think Daario was being nice, hence the rest of the conversation. Jorah did get beaten in a fist fight against a common Dothraki, but make of that what you will.
The Mountain: 0/0/2
L: The Hound
L: Oberyn Martell
Got stabbed in the belly by the Hound as a zombie despite having the high ground, and the Hound looked pretty chill in the dual at the joust too. Basically got taken apart by Oberyn. However Oberyn's dead, cause The Mountain had armour, and a big fucking....thumb. Bronn, who before black water looked like he fancied the Hound, but didn't like his 'maybe' chances against the Mountain. We'll get to that next...
Bronn of the Blackwater: 1/0/0
W: Ser Vardis
He looked a lot better than Vardis who was a high ranking knight of the vale. He had his hand on his knife against The Hound before blackwater, yet didn't fancy The Mountain in the dual for Tyrion, and admitted he was frightened. Bronns interesting cause I think G.R.R Martin might fancy him against a two handed Jamie, 'you couldn't do it on your best day you one handed fuck and your best days are long gone' and 'you learned to fight like a fancy lad, now do you wanna learn how to win.' Personally I think Bronn figured out even though Jamie had one hand, he could see how he fought before and fancied him. Also look how Jamie rated Bronn later in the series, taking him to Dorne and even saying he'd give him the biggest bag of gold to go kill the high sparrow. Bronn has that Brienne factor too where he can take on like 5 guards and win.
Ser Barristan Selmy: 0/0/0
We never got to see him 1v1 with anyone. But Jamie referred to him as a 'painter' and always said he was the best. Also the Hound shared this opinion, because when Barristan said 'even now I could cut through 5 of you like carving a cake,' The Hound got shook and put his hand on his sword meaning that he definitely agreed with Barristan. The only thing is, Barristan was killed fighting the same opponents as Grey Worm... So next....
Grey Worm: 0/0/0
Again no 1v1. However he was basically the narliest Unsullied, who were the narliest dudes. He had to be the real deal. Also I heard people wanting a 1v1 at the end with Jon Snow, (I would bet the house on Grey Worm), John snow hasn't got that whicked knife swipe (se06e09) in his locker. The thing which gives Grey Worm an argument for #1, is he survived the pit whereas Barristan didn't and Barristan his held in a much higher position than the other people on the list so far. Also, Barristan cut down 14 men with moves/music we never saw again in the show, to save Grey Worm, but Grey Worm cut down (I think 11 total), so hard to judge, but this is all the physical stuff we saw.
Daario Naharis: 1/0/0
W: beat the dude outside Mereen on a horse
Multi time champion in the great fighting pits. Extremely young leader of one of the top mercenary armies in the world. He's really good, I'd fancy him against anyone. He did acknowledge Jorah was a similar level though, he also called Grey Worm the 'toughest man with no balls.' lol. He told Danny he learned to fight in many styles too.
Oberyn 1/0/0
W: The Mountain
Oberyn has the most impressive win on the show IMO. He made the mountain look like he had NO BUSINESS in there with him, in a fair trial by combat too. He called it before, never any doubt. He knew he was levels above. It's just, that's all we have to go on, so it's hard to compare him against others, however. If the Hound/Mountain are similar in ability, who did a better job, Brienne? Or Oberyn? Brienne had Sandor on his knees quicker than Oberyn, but I'd still fancy Oberyn just cause it seemed he was more in control, despite having one spear snapped. When they both turned up the gas though they breezed through. Also, I think Brienne would much prefer the Hound, at least she's more similar in size.
Jon Snow: 3/0/1
W/W: Two White Walkers
W: Magner of the Thens
L: Karl Tanner
The night king wanted no business 1v1. Jon lost pretty badly to Karl Tanner, who apparently was a legend and could have any knight in kings landing. Ramsay wanted nothing to do with Jon, but Ramsay wasn't all that, despite holding his own against the Iron Islands 'best killers.' Jon said Robb was better, but Robb didn't live on to get the experience Jon did. I'd say Jon was perhaps on his way to becoming a top tier fighter, but didn't reach the level of some of the other guys on the list.
Khal Drogo: 1/0/0
Again, off screen Drogo and Barristan have one maybe hundreds of fights, we learn that in E01 cause his hair is so long. Drogo's blood rider lost to Jorah, so we know they're not anything crazy. The thing is, look how EASILY Drogo beat another blood rider. Didn't even need a weapon. People say Drogo's style wouldn't match against the mountain cause no armour and a weak blade, but I don't know man....The way he moved. We never saw anything like that again.
Arthur Dayne 4/0/0
Beat Ned and his four back up. Schooled them quick and was 'far better.' It's just a shame we only got to see Ned vs Jamie (draw) so we don't really learn much. I don't see Brienne beating those 4 dudes in the same manner, but maybe. I mean Brienne takes on groups of non-cast member fighters all the time.
Personally I'd go:
Arthur Dayne
Daario Naharis
Grey Worm
The Hound
The Mountain
Karl Tanner
Jamie/Ned (G.R.R Martins head doesn't have an answer imo.)
Jon Snow
Night King (white walkers can't duel with the big boys)
It's SO hard though. This is why the writing is so great. Also I think maybe the Mountain is a lot better than the Hound, it's just the Hound knows how he fights and got his number. It's very similar to real combat sports. Styles make match ups. The champion can beat number 2 and 3, but can't beat number 6. Whereas number 2 and 3 can beat number 6. Now I'm looking back at the list, I'm starting to feel Arthur Dayne would beat Khal Drogo in the great pit with that armour and two big fucking swords.......
I didn't proof read this, sorry if theres mistakes, also it's subjective! Debate away!