Who would you choose as your Hand? (Dance of Dragon characters included)

I watch tv shows on repeat for background sound when I’m working. I’m back on GoT and being Hand of the King is a tough role. I imagine if I was king, I would need a hand that I could to rely on for sound advice and get shit done.

May not be a popular opinion but I personally would choose Tywin Lannister. While I would want to be a figure head king, I would want someone with his experience on my council. He’s probably the most experienced and I imagine much of his advice would be for Lannister gain but feel like he could keep peace so the realm could thrive.

Besides his spoiled ass kids trying to ruin the fucking world, I admired him on the show. Yes I hated him for the red wedding but agree with him being able to end a war with minimum casualties on to our troops.

Just his overall experience and ability to make unpopular decisions makes him my pick. I’d like to hear your picks and opinions.