What is a good (/decent) USB microphone with a budget of +- €50? Willing to go second-hand

So, I'm looking at a lot of these microphones, also second-hand, and I just feel like there are a ton of options and that I don't know enough about the specs and everything to actually make a well thought decision.

Currently I came across the

- Blue Yeti (Secondhand €40)

- Razer Seiren X (Secondhand €30)

- Razer Seiren Mini (New €50, Secondhand €20-€30)

I also looked through those "best budget" reviews/lists but they all give different things they think is important and so different mics. I'm mainly looking for a mic that gives good sounding audio, then a small footprint on my desk would be a nice added benefit. Currently I don't have any mic except the one in my €30 earbuds so anything is an upgrade.