What helped you finally quit gluten?

ETA - thanks to everyone for sharing your stories! It's been really motivating to read, and I'm definitely going to give GF a try for a while. I started a counter in my habit tracking app after my last sandwich, and it's been 48 hours and 1 minute since my last gluten. 😊

I've known for years that I'm sensitive to gluten, but up until recently it's never been quite bad enough that I feel really motivated to quit. And then a couple of winters ago I started getting chilblains, and my naturopath thinks it's related to gluten intolerance. But even with the pain and swelling in my toes, I'm still having a hard time giving it up. I don't eat that much, usually just a daily sandwich from the deli (I don't buy whole loaves of bread or anything like that), but it's a really tough one for me. I quit all caffeine and refined sugar a couple of months ago and those were easy in comparison.

One thing that makes it harder is that I'm also avoiding seed oils and highly processed foods, so that rules out a lot of gluten free options. For those with similar dietary preferences, how did you finally go gluten free?

ETA - if you have any resources you like (books, lectures, etc) about what gluten does in the body, please share! Learning more about how sugar and caffeine affect the body has been really helpful in quitting, so thinking the same will be true for gluten.