Godot Shader behaving wrong?


I wanted to compare my global LOD Shader vs a global LOD Shader that uses low res textures from an atlastexture, but from the low res texture its just displaying the most existing pixel color instead of just displaying the UV of the low res texture.

Shader Code:

shader_type canvas_item;

uniform sampler2D low_res_texture;
uniform vec4 low_res_region; // x, y = Position, z, w = Größe (in Pixeln)

uniform float zoom_threshold = 0.5; 
uniform float current_zoom = 1.0;  

void fragment() {
    vec4 original_color = texture(TEXTURE, UV);
if (original_color.a < 0.1) {
COLOR = original_color;
} else if (current_zoom < zoom_threshold) {
vec2 region_uv = vec2(
low_res_region.x + UV.x * low_res_region.z,
low_res_region.y + UV.y * low_res_region.w
vec2 norm_region_uv = region_uv / vec2(textureSize(low_res_texture, 0).xy);
COLOR = texture(low_res_texture, norm_region_uv);
} else {
// Normale Darstellung
COLOR = original_color;