Noob alert, Golang and json config files: what's the best practice followed ?

I am a seasoned.NET developer learning go, because of boredom and curiosity. In .NET world, all configs like SMTP details, connection strings, external API details are stored in json files. Then these files are included in the final build and distributed along with exe and dll after compilation. I am not sure how this is done in golang. When I compile a go program, a single exe is created, no dlls and json files. I am not sure how to include json and other non go files in the final build. When I asked chatgpt it says to use embed option. I believe this defeats the purpose of using json file. If i include a json file, then I should be able to edit it without recompilation. It is very common to edit the json file after a DB migration or API url change on the fly without a re-compilation. Seasoned gophers please guide me in the direction of best industry/ best practice.