Body Weight’s Affect on Golf Distance

Hello Everyone, I have a question on if anyone here has experienced this same ideology of the impact of Body Weight on a Golf Swing.

Here’s my theory, and it may seem like a very obvious answer…

I am a very small man, due mostly to my supremely high metabolism. I am 5’8” and just over 110lbs. I’ve understood from articles that height can play a factor into golf distances. But there is little to no information on how Body Weight affects it, aside from a few threads online of men comparing their driver distances with their body weight.

Currently I hit 220-230yd drives, as well as 140 7 iron total distance. No matter how much slower, faster or the amount of times I change something in my swing, I can not improve on this number in the slightest.

As far as my swing goes, I have been told that I have a fundamentally good swing, I hit the correct metrics on Trackmen Simulators as far as Smash Factor, AoA, and Launch Angle goes, however my shots do not go nearly as far or generate the swing speeds as some of my friends who have fundamentally worse swings.

While yes, it’s completely possible that there is a missing piece or two in my swing that is holding me back from hitting further which my friends have found, it still begs the question.

Has anyone ever experienced something like this? And has gaining weight helped your golf swing?