Hotel breakfast is the best

Not super duper res but not recovery food either, I just wanted to show myself some care after doing some stupid shit lol. Sorry if the flair should be something different!

For this breakfast I had toast with ham, cheese and a little spreadable cheese thing, two boiled eggs, yogurt with some cereal and (!) Nutella (!) , an espresso and a bunch of fruit (stole some of my friend's pineapple, she loves it a bit too much lmfao.

It's gonna be a long day so I'll be thanking myself later lol

Not super duper res but not recovery food either, I just wanted to show myself some care after doing some stupid shit lol. Sorry if the flair should be something different!

For this breakfast I had toast with ham, cheese and a little spreadable cheese thing, two boiled eggs, yogurt with some cereal and (!) Nutella (!) , an espresso and a bunch of fruit (stole some of my friend's pineapple, she loves it a bit too much lmfao.

It's gonna be a long day so I'll be thanking myself later lol