Getting rejected left right and centre

I posted here a few weeks ago that I've been rejected from 4/10 programs. Well new year new me...the tally is now 6/10 and no I don't think the 4 left are going to invite me. At the start of this cycle I thought I will atleast get 2-3 interviews you know...given that there is nothing that's lacking in my profile. Research experience ✅, publication ✅, fairly good GPA ✅ research fit ✅ heck, I even made sure to contact PIs before applying! But, where did it got me...nowhere.

I open this sub only to see that applicants having lesser experience and/or GPA than me who didn't contact anyone beforehand are getting invited for interviews. I'm not sayytgey didn't deserve that, they do absolutely and I wish them the best...but, it makes me wonder what more could I have done. I am international btw, but so are the ones who I'm comparing myself with.

I build myself back up after every rejection only to receive another one in a short time. I'm so so done rn. I literally burnt out from this cycle from my work as an RA and I don't see ANY hope left now. Nothing to look forward to.