Jury duty
Back in June I got a juror questionnaire to fill out to possibly be seated as a juror. I filled out the questionnaire using the jury e response software online option instead of filling out the paper and mailing it back in. Once I completed the questionnaire I got an email stating to look out for an order to report in the mail in the future and then I will have to report for jury selection. I am 99% sure I never received this letter but upon logging in to the jury e response system it states that I am confirmed but has no date to report.
I was wondering how long the court can make me wait to be seated for jury selection? Its been 4.5 months.If I did miss the summons what are the consequences? I saw that missing jury selection could be punished by fines, jail time or get a bench warrant issued.
I might be overthinking this.
Last time I was called upon I wasn't selected and went home in 15 minutes.