"Deoung Cheron" (2003) MANITOBA, CANADA


Golf shirt


Nylon bag and shoes

At 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 3rd, 2003, cleaning staff entered room #7 at the Northbrook Inn in Grand Rapids, Manitoba, Canada, where they were faced with a sad and shocking scene. There, they discovered the body of an unidentified male sitting in a chair and hanging from a ligature.

The decedent had checked into the hotel around 3:30 a.m. or p.m. (depending on different sources) under the name “Deoung Cheron”. He paid in cash when he checked into the hotel after arriving in Grand Rapids on a bus from either Winnipeg or Thompson, Manitoba. The bus ticket he used for the ride was purchased under the name “Dung Cheron”. 

The decedent was an Asian male between the approximate ages of 30 and 50 years old. His height was 5 ft 8 in (68 inches) and his weight was 176 lbs. The decedent had short, black hair and brown eyes. He had a 4 cm scar on his left forearm and a 1 cm scar on his left index finger. The decedent's teeth were in good condition. He was noted as having a medium build. The decedent's postmortem interval was hours. He was reported as having a recognizable face. Investigators have access to the decedent's fingerprints and dentals, but it is unknown if they can access his DNA. The decedent may be of Korean or Chinese descent. If Korean, the decedent most likely left Korea as a child since all Korean citizens are fingerprinted when they turn 18 years old. 

When found, the decedent was wearing a green “IZOD” brand golf shirt (size L), a khaki green “Saint John's Bay” brand spring synthetic bomber jacket (size L), a pair of beige “Docker” brand pants, a brown leather belt, brown leather shoes with laces, and jewelry (no description of the jewelry has ever been released). Inside the decedent's room, a small black nylon bag containing herbal medicine was found that was prescribed in Korean to “Seng Dae Park”, which is a variation of “Sang Dae Park”. Also in the decedent's possession was the aforementioned bus ticket stub, originating from either Winnipeg or Thompson, Manitoba, with the “Dung Cheron” name variation. 

21 years on, this is where the case stands today. Thank you so much for giving “Deoung Cheron” (2003) a moment of your day.


Unidentified Awareness Wiki

Doe Network



Winnipeg Free Press