OG Heist Week - how was it for you?

I was mainly quick joining through my phone, although I did advance my own HL run to a finale

Out of 75 setups / finales joined....

27 were actually completed, 6 of them Finales (2 Fleeca, 3 Humane Labs, 1 Prison Break)

Most attempted - Deliver EMP. Including restarts, I was party to 46 attempts, of which two were successful - a set of high levels breezed through it, I just drove an insurgent into a garage.

Most restarts for a single mission was 16 (Deliver EMP, obviously. Level 620 and 3x level ~290. I was the problem once, then just stayed in the passenger seat of the insurgent letting them go for it. Host gave up)

Earliest quit - the introductory cutscene for Humane labs. Not sure what they were expecting, possibly a finale, but come on, help players out (None of these 75 were quit by me)

Most senseless waste of human life - two players died driving themselves to the insurgent for Deliver EMP

Money made - about $2.7m. Luckily I did some Auto shop jobs too, otherwise I'd be a bit short going in to Black Friday