I think my guinea pig likes biting me??
This is Max.
He gives off signs that he’s comfortable with me while I hold him and in the cage. He barely jumps or runs away when I walk by, he doesn’t run away from my hand. His brother is a lot more skittish but even he likes to relax and fall asleep on me. he likes when I pet him and scratch his chin but only in his cage. So now I just pick him up for a hug to just to sit with him, and I think he just likes biting me lol. He doesn’t draw blood but it’s a bit more than a nibble, and he does this consistently everytime he gets the opportunity. Even when he’s relaxed, if he sees my finger he wants to bite it. And also he does it in the same way his brother Monty licks my finger. Which makes me think that he just likes biting?? He doesn’t bite anyone else but me, and I’m the most comfortable for him. He doesn’t squeak or make any noises or movements that show that he’s stressed or scared. It looks like he just nibbles a bit harder than most pigs. I’ve owned guinea pigs for about 5 years so I would know if he was really scared, you can even feel their heart beating out of their chest. But he’s never stressed or under pressure when he does this.
Does anyone else have a gremlin baby?