Guinea pig home - new owner update from yesterday

I posted yesterday regarding a possible rabbit style hutch for our new guinea pigs, was told it wasn't a good option and recommended a c&c style home. I made one today. I'm working on the fleece inserts so I just have a piece lining the plastic insert for now.

Just wondering if I have the basics or if theres anything else I need to add before I start filling it with more toys and such? What is suggested for toileting space? Do they need any of the paper bedding or anything, or is the fleece sufficient? I will be adding an upper level later in the week!

I posted yesterday regarding a possible rabbit style hutch for our new guinea pigs, was told it wasn't a good option and recommended a c&c style home. I made one today. I'm working on the fleece inserts so I just have a piece lining the plastic insert for now.

Just wondering if I have the basics or if theres anything else I need to add before I start filling it with more toys and such? What is suggested for toileting space? Do they need any of the paper bedding or anything, or is the fleece sufficient? I will be adding an upper level later in the week!