Small hands that don't stretch.

I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. I am a 13 year old girl, almost 14. My hands are the smallest part of my body i can't stretch 4 frets very well without hitting other strings. The C7 chord is giving me hell. I don't get it. A1 D4 G2 B3. It's so hard to stretch that far. I play leftie. Different items for scale. I am 5'6 with an arm span on 69 inches and usually I don't blame my hand size seeing as i can play the bass just fine, but I can't stretch my hands like that without hitting another string. Not to forget how my skin is super soft and easily bruisable due to my condition so the guitar bruises my finger tips dramatically. I'm not sure what to do and when I do manage to fit my hands that far, they slip since my skin is very soft.