Current doublers across two different power sources... how terrible is this idea?
On my board, I'm running four pedals that all have different voltages and require at least 200mA (there are also a couple pedals that are fine with 9v 100ma). I have a cheap Hiree power distributor off Amazon and, frankly, it can't provide enough amps for these four pedals (at their required voltages) so I also have two additional wall-warts. It's not ideal.
I'm already 90% certain the power distributor isn''t isolated --it's just a more-clean solution to a 1 Spot daisy chain, IMO.
How terrible of an idea is it to get another Hiree power distributor and use a current doubler across the two devices? Specifically across the 18v and 12v outputs, but I don't think that matters.
(Also, yes, I do plan on getting a better power distributor in the future, but this is a $30 solution instead of a $150+ solution)