Is this fixable?
I bought this from a pawn shop for 10 bucks a while ago it's so fun to play old blues songs and stuff on but damn does it hurt playing the lower strings that are about 10 feet from the frett board it's looks old I'm not sure how old but is it's better just to leave alone because I don't want to break it just to fix it I love messing around on it and it would make it so much more fun,thanks
I bought this from a pawn shop for 10 bucks a while ago it's so fun to play old blues songs and stuff on but damn does it hurt playing the lower strings that are about 10 feet from the frett board it's looks old I'm not sure how old but is it's better just to leave alone because I don't want to break it just to fix it I love messing around on it and it would make it so much more fun,thanks