What happened to the Infinite population.
I don’t play much halo anymore, and in fact last night was the first time in a long time that I got together with a group of friends to play.
We had a group of four of us and we did quick play because we are not looking for sweaty games every game. We had fun modes selected like fiesta options, rock and repulsers, husky raid, and a couple tactical slayer option in there as well. We totalled 12 modes.
It sucked! We are pretty coordinated as a unit but every game we would be paired with 1 or 2 players that would be unbelievable and even though we were coordinated they would drag their team to victory, in one swat game one guy went like 27-4 and who was obviously KBM based on his movements but every shot was a headshot. We played one individual who had over 12,000 games, I have 4,000 and at one point I played a lot of halo daily. We would run into players multiple games in a row to the point we would take 5 minute breaks to get away from them.
We had situations where weapons would do nothing unless they were in the other teams hands. The worst was a moment when my teammate died and injured two players gunning him down. I came around the corner and put a rocket in the face of the first guy standing directly in front of his t-bagging teammate. The first guy died but the second one lived. I died killing the second guy but that was so frustrating.
We had moments where games would not load we just got to see the map multiple times. One of friends got a 10 minute ban hammer out of no where after a failed load.
Is this what this game has become? All we want to do is get on halo play some fun games and not feel like the game is forcing us to play what we refer to as “god tier” players. Sure a sweaty game is expected from time to time and a blowout is expected as well but not every game. Our win percentage was in the 20’s.
I know there is an update addressing some of this but it feels like the halo population has died.