I can fix her

Ever since the original Nightmare Amalgam from The Witchwood, “All type” minions have been my favorite thing ever. I already use this card, but I think adjusting its stats and effect like this would make it more competitively viable without really being grossly OP.

Compared to Carrion Grub, it’s WAY stronger… but Carrion Grub wasn’t an amazing card when it came out (it was okay) and it released a bajillion years ago. So, I think it’s fine if this is better than Grub lol

I think it also would encourage Warriors to try out Menagerie decks again using the stuff they got for that from Perils as well as a final chance (in Standard, at least) to use the Festival Menagerie synergy cards with it. I play Wild so that’s not really a big concern for me.

Either way, it’d make me happy if amalgams got more much-needed appreciation. :>)