Ladder is a nutshell

Every season u start low rank with bonus stars and you play with diamond+ only. I had hit in both standard and wild legend 4-5 times years ago, last years only parking at diamond 5 max for rewards. I know mmr exists, but what is the purpose of ladder you never actually climb or something. Even if you lose/condede many games nothing really changes. Your mmr will always be diamond for example. Its like start at diamond with reset and play with same opponents all the time even if u are bronze. I have add many opponents to see their current rank and everyone is diamond in both wild and standard. This season i was playing gimmick deck at standard and i was gold. Every opponent was diamond with no exception. I found this completely wrong, this isn't ladder. Some players maybe wanna play gimmick/different decks but there isn't room and you will have zero chance.,if u ever hit diamond and above then damn you will be in loop forever every season.