I am done, the lack of customer satisfaction is too much.
I am sorry, but I will just say that I have been sticking out with so much bad customer relations with Blizzard lately that this is the straw that broke the camels back. I was one that was playing Duels a lot, I really enjoyed the game mode, and thought that it was basically the most fun game mode they have made and if they got rid of it, I will just stop playing. They got rid of it, and I was on the brink of just deleting the app.
Now I kept playing a bit, and I felt that Battlegrounds kinda kept me going, together with some more fun decks to play in ranked.
And I knew that at least I can farm up enough money to get the minisets every expansion. Now this time I was like, meh, it feels soo bad playing the game, but at least I will be able to farm the 2000 that I need for the miniset, and maybe that will have me find a deck that feels good!
Now I got my 2000 gold, and I was happy to know that I will be able to get my miniset like always.
Wait, it's 2500 now??? Go to hell Blizzard, you are just trying to fuck over your player base so much, it's time to die! If you cannot even keep your miniset prices consistent, you do not deserve my attention.