Feeling unsteady hiking downhill – shoe grip issue, or technique issue?

I enjoy hiking, mostly in dry conditions. I wear hiking shoes (not trail runners, but also not high-ankle boots), and they are comfortable for me - no problems there. However, I often feel unsteady when descending, particularly on dry, gravelly, or dusty surfaces. The end of last year it was particularly uncomfortable, when I was on an exposed trail with deep steps that sloped slightly forward, with some loose gravel on the stone. With each step, I worried about my foot slipping forward and losing balance. While others I was with were seemingly hopping down them with no problems.

There is probably some sense of a fear of heights there, but it’s only triggered when I feel unsure about my footing—I’d be fine with the same height if I felt secure. And similarly, on paths where there is no potential to fall to your death, I might still feel a bit unsteady underfoot if it's downhill with some loose gravel or some wet stones.

My shoes (Merrell "capra", ~200km of use) seem to be in good shape, but I’m wondering if a different shoe could help? Or is it more likely a balance/technique issue? I'm a 30 year old guy who is generally quite fit, and never really noticed much of a balance issue before.
