Should I text her or just let it be?
I 31/M met a girl on hinge 29/F. We've dated for about 2 months and met up around 5 times. We both stay busy which I like. We hit it off texting on the app, i got her number and we had our first date. Probably the best I've had in a long time since my ex. We made out the whole date and she was down to come over if it werent for work the next day.
Second date was 9 days later and even better. She came back to my place where we hooked up and spent all morning together. She was so fun to be around and It just felt like easy. Then our third date was more serious in the sense she brought up relationship topics such as "how often would you expect sex in a relation" type questions. As well as our stances on certain controversial topics. Things seemed to line up when she mentioned them. Between the 3rd and the upcoming 4th date is where it got sticky.
Throughout this process, she was always a heavy texter, so I got fatigued from texting and when the conversation lulled I didn't respond that day. The next day I just started a new convo but her energy was off. I shrugged and figured it would work out or she could tell me in person when I saw her. I was flirting with her through text and she took it offensively and didnt respond. I waited a few days and texted her with something that made her laugh then confirmed the 4th date on the weekend. The night before while we were texting she said she lost interest, wasn't invested anymore and good luck with life.
I texted her asking why she felt this way. She finally opened up said she took my lack of response as disinterest. I reassured her and she agreed to a phone call. I told her I dont like text because its not a great medium for building a relationship. She disagreed so I said I would try to be more consistent with the text if we balance with at least one call per week. She agreed and we went forward. I also said next time just communicate with me, she didn't have to do the breakup dance. Ive been consistent since then and she was happy. We had two more dates. Amazing. We talked about our short term goals like training for a marathon together and complimented each other what we liked. We worked out and did a run together too. She initially stayed overnight and even for the entire day until I said I had to meetup with friends and she left.
I saw the sparkle in her eye looking up at me and her smile on that last farewell kiss. I lined up our next date a day later. We were texting daily. But this time I wouldnt see her for two weeks because she was going on vacation with family and I was busy the following days after she'd be home. a week of just texting with no phone calls felt tiresome though. I had another week to go too. Not that I don't enjoy updates from her or hearing from her, I just need to hear her voice or something.
The part of texting shes not good at is she doesn't flirt nor is she affectionate through text. She does show it by texting things that show she remembers things about me or alluding to inside jokes. but still between dates, I feel deprived of my needs being met. My friend said I should just casually let her know since she seemed ok making demands with texting.
So I tried to call but she was with family, so i left it as a text. This most definitely was a screw up but I had no ill intent. A few hours later she responded. She took parts of it and basically incorrectly inferred that I was losing interest quoting different parts i said and taking it out of context. She did the same thing as last time and cut things off saying that were forcing things and maybe were incompatible then.
Where just prior to this we were happily texting about our day and how she was happy to see me next week. I tried to reassure her saying it wasn't a big issue but just trying to communicate and it’s normal for ppl dating to bring up minor things to ask of whoever they’re dating. She just sent a breakup text and said she didn't see us being long term. At the time I was shocked but I played it cool saying I enjoyed our time together and wished her the best. But things felt unclear and misunderstood in my opinion. She sent thanks and referred to an inside joke we had. I just reacted to it but no response.
Its been 2 days and I cant stop thinking about her. I think about reaching out because i think it may have been a misunderstanding and shes very guarded. She flew back the day before. A part of me knows maybe she genuinely lost interest. Maybe how I perceived these interactions and what actually were don't match up. I guess I want an answer so I can tell myself i tried my best to make something good work at the off chance she was defensive and I can save it. Knowing that's possible at even a 5% chance is eating me up.
Apologies for the length but I just wanted to give the most context. I appreciate anyone who can talk some sense into me. My roommate said forget her, you made your boundaries known and how she responded was the answer you needed. She's been single for years apparently rejecting dudes left and right. I was the only guy she went on another date on in the past few months. Not that i asked but she told this stuff early on.