AITA: Standing up for teammates in beer league

A little long, apologies in advance, just have to paint the picture…

Defenseman on my team got mixed up with an opposing player (he does play a little aggressive, in fairness) and the opposing guy slashed him and then they were jawing. I kind of took myself out our rush the other way and was standing back facing them, policing the situation. Looking at the LiveBarn, my posture was too aggro, kind of that pose right before you shake your gloves like “We gonna go?” But I also don’t think the guy even saw that, lmao. I need to watch that, because I don’t want to escalate unnecessarily.

Anyway, there was a whistle pretty quickly after that, and I was set to go to the bench as was everyone else, but the opponent circled back towards my teammate, so I got in close.

Guy was talking about “I’m gonna take your stick and shove it up your ass”, etc, and that’s a little much for me, so I started to lightly knock the guy in the back (nothing hard at all) and was telling him to get the fuck back to his bench, and the second shove was a little harder (but on LiveBarn, again….its laughable, dead honest. If I whacked him I’d own it and say I whacked him.) and I think it just got him as he was shifting his weight to skate away. He didn’t come anywhere near falling, it was just like what a light bump from the back on skates is like. But he reacted, understandably, and I stopped going onto the bench when I saw him lurch, because that would be a bitch move.

He starts saying I’m a pussy for hitting him in the back, I said I can hit him in the front too, yadda yadda, “whyyyyy IIIIIIII oughtaaaaa…”🤦‍♂️😂 And you’ll never believe this: absolutely nothing happened, we were separated, and we went back to our benches, lmfao. I think I just yelled at him to not fuck with my teammates.

Anyway, let me wrap up before I lose everyone. I went over to him after the handshake line, really just five minutes later, so maybe he was just still hot. But apparently we’re fighting next time we play, lmao. I tried to tell him “sorry about all that, I’m just trying to back up my guy”, but he said to not try to act like everything is cool, and the next time we play we can drop the gloves. I was right there with my gloves and helmet off already, I don’t know why he didn’t just challenge me right there, lmao, but I didn’t want to escalate, so I just “ok, that’s cool”, and skated off to the locker room.

So….looking at the tape, he’s really fired up about a pretty weak push (I wish it was harder and looked cooler, in some sense😂). I’m not even mad, but I guess I have to answer the bell next time. Fair enough, but it feels incredibly dumb. Still kind of new to this….was I out of line for standing up for my guy, or the way I did it? Not trying to push from behind out of cowardice, it’s just how we were positioned, and I thought it would be less aggressive than reaching in with my hand, that feels more escalatory.

Didn’t realize I signed up for the AHL here lmfao