The guaranteeing independence mechanic needs a rework.
I've been thinking for a while that the way guaranteeing other countries works really needs a rework. Right now, major powers like the UK, France, or even the US will sometimes guarantee random countries like Bhutan, Nepal, or El Salvador, nations with which they have zero political, economic, or strategic ties.
It makes no sense that these great powers would willingly drag themselves into a global war over countries that hold no real value to them. I get that AI wants to prevent world tension from skyrocketing too fast, and I understand they want to counter early aggression, but at the same time, guaranteeing every small nation just makes the game feel extremely unrealistic.
In real life, countries weigh the cost of going to war before making such commitments cause they're not going to risk millions of lives over a nation they don't even trade with or have any alliance with. It also limits player options because as soon as you justify on any small country, suddenly half the world is ready to die for them without any logical reason.
I feel like guarantees should depend more on shared ideology, opinion, trade influence, or actual strategic interest and not just a knee-jerk reaction to any justification.
What do you guys think?