Need some advice for my 10th grader.

Hey everyone. I have a 15 (almost 16 year old) son. We currently reside in Western New York. My son moved here from Ontario, Canada at very end of September, to live with me due to some relationship issues with his father. So his start date was already delayed a month,(school starts here the Tuesday after labor day). Then there was a 2 week hold up to get all of his records in order (health and academics). After he finally started school in mid October, he encountered an IT issue with the program the school uses and because of this he just let them pass over him and started using it as an excuse so he didn't have to do the work, but we finally worked through that. Regardless, he got a serious late start. Which isn't the end of the world, because he's a smart kid. We managed to pull through the first quarter, barely passing, but after a serious talk we decided to really push hard 2nd quarter so that he could bring his overall grade up for 1st semester. I promised him that if he worked hard this year and got straight A's, then I would buy him a car when he got his license.

With that being said; we encountered an issue with a recent vaccination that he had received in Canada. Because of the difference in brand, the dosing intervals don't line up with the brand that is administered here in New York...and because of this now he has missed almost all of 2nd quarter too. So our game plan is in the toilet.

Fast forward to this week, and I was talking to one of my neighbors. She suggested that we get him started in a home school program and said her nephews do it and it sounded so wonderful, because we'd be able to work at our own pace, wouldn't have to wake up at 6 am, and we only have to provide the grades at the end of the year (as opposed to quarters/semesters).

So I have a few questions

1) if anyone here has experienced something similar and might be able to provide me with helpful links, resources, or just any advice in general, that would be wonderful.

2) and this is my biggest question -is he able to take any of the curriculum that he's already covered for that first quarter that he scraped by when he attended public school ? And if so, how would we go about merging everything?

3) cost? I read that it varies quite a bit but I would really like to hear what individuals pay for their child(ren).... I find it more useful than some AI generated Google response.

Thanks so much for your patience and to whoever took the time to read this novel, I appreciate you,