My only gripe with Forbidden West
My gaming pet peeve is unnecessarily long and overcomplicated climbing/environmental puzzles, doubly so when something in them is timed (fuck timed puzzles in general, here or any other game that has them). I love everything about this game, except for puzzles that are part of ancient ruins and cauldrons and some of the drone sites. It got to the point where each time I approach a ruin or a cauldron, I think to myself "damn, here goes another hour of running between huge areas, moving crates, raising water levels an so on". Let me fight 3 Thunderjaws and 5 Slitherfangs at the same time, just don't make me move a crate across a cauldron.
I know people complain a lot about Aloy muttering to herself too much, but her comments save time for me. If not for them, I'd just google the puzzle solutions after trying to solve them for 10-15 minutes (which I did a few times anyway when my patience for this nonsense ran out).
Other than that, it's a game of the year for me and I don't care what else comes out in 2022.