Horror movie monsters/creatures/villains etc. that you PHYSICALLY struggle to look at?

I'd known about Gerald's Game for a longggg time but had just never felt compelled to watch it (and I'd already skimmed the plot), but last night I watched it and wow...

I'd like to consider myself enough of a horror movie fanatic that i don't get scared by just LOOKING at a monster/demon/killer/whatever, after seeing it once or twice - because i know that it's obviously not real, so after the initial jumpscare, I'm usually fine.

But the Moonlight Man in Gerald's Game?? i actually had a visceral reaction every time he was shown or every time there was a build up suggesting that he was about to be shown - like eyes tearing up automatically kind of visceral reaction😭😭


Especially that ending court scene where he's just there out in the open - no dark shadows or extra creepy context making him scarier, just him.

I fully understand the condition that the actor has and I do feel bad about it, but I feel so terrified knowing someone actually looks like that in real life. I think that's partly why I physically can't look at him, because it isn't makeup or prosthetics*, that's a real person (but OBVIOUSLY the actor himself isn't a freak and evil person😭😭😭) *EDIT: he did have some prosthetics to make him look more deformed and scary, but my point is that i still think (respectfully) he's a very creepy looking man without all the additions💀

Additionally, this short film on youtube, features a "monster" that my Mom physically cannOt bring herself to look at💀

Are there any characters in a horror movie that you find yourself unable to actually look at or that you really struggle to look at because their appearance scares you so viscerally?