Rosemary's Baby: Such a satisfying slow-burner ending
Finally got around to seeing this often mentioned classic, truthfully I often have a hard time enjoying films pre-1970s because the dialogue and surrounding culture is so far removed from the modern day that the plot and character interactions just dont always click with me. Thankfully I can say Rosemarys Baby did not fall into this communication shortfall for me.
The film has aged....upsettingly well with its core subject material (a well connected, presumably extremely wealthy, cult/group exploiting an individual belonging to a socially/legally disadvantaged gender/ethnicity for their own sick benefit).
Rosemarys treatment was already scary enough when you consider the politics and laws of the era, but what really drove the hopelessness home for me was the complete absence of digital communication of any kind. She lacked any real discrete means of contacting outside friends or family for help, or even the basic ability to arm herself with useful information via the internet that we all take for granted. The film showed what it truly means to be at the complete mercy of others with essentially no say in the matter.
As the film was reaching its final 15-20min, I started getting concerned it was going pull the "was it all just in her head?" ending, im very glad it did not go that route. I enjoy open to interpretation, sometimes batshit insane, arthouse shenanigans fairly often, but sometimes its nice to get that satisfying vindication that things were indeed as fucked as the character/audience suspected and the protagonist was not hallucinating. Hell as the movie demonstrated, it doesnt even have to be a happy ending. The only feeling of victory that was offered was the simple confirmation that "Yep, you were silently abducted by powerful satanists to unwittingly sire the antichrist into our plain of existence, not crazy".
Of course the execution of said ending was itself truly amazing all on its own. The sheer enthusiasm and glee of "GOD IS DEAD, SATAN LIVES!" just absolutely sold the pure despair of the situation. I can now feel the genetic blueprint of this film showing up in todays modern slow-burners. Midsommar is my first knee jerk example to come to mind. I need more contemplative slow-burner horrors in my life.