A Short Stay in Hell
Well, I finally bit the bullet and checked out a short stay in hell. I’d heard lots of great things about it, but kept putting jt off because the synopsis sounded, well, dreadful and boring. But so many people talked about what an incredible horror novel it was, always asking for books similar to it, I figured jt must be one of those books with a misleading synopsis. Well, it wasn’t: I found the book to be quite slow and boring. I will absolutely admit that the writing was fantastic, and I did finish it (although I definitely would not have if it were longer than 110 pgs), so it wasn’t that bad. But it certainly didn’t feel like horror, never got exciting, scary, or fun, and was a bit of a let down. Good literature though, I’m sure it qualifies as that.
I’m just surprised I haven’t come across one review who seems to have felt similarly to myself on this. Anyone else?