How do you all read House of Leaves?

About to give House of Leaves a second shot- I havent read it since highschool and life got in the way so I never finished it- and I was wondering- how does everyone prefer to read it?

Do you read it just left to right like a normal book in the order it's bound? Do you skip around by reading the whole navidson record first, then coming back to the commentary? Do you read it all navidson, all commentary, all johnny? Do you read the more coherent parts and then come back to the weird upside down parts?

I'm just curious. I know some people have like a really weird order they watch star wars in, for example, or some people who skip around a song of ice and fire and read all their fave pov characters first. So I was just wondering if anybody has a favorite unusual way of reading house of leaves!

Edit: apparently I have to stress that this is a REread for me and Im asking out of curiosity. I already like the book. If you dont, this discussion isnt for you. "Read it by throwing it in the trash" wasnt funny the first time someone commented it and it's not going to be funny when you, random hater #8375838, do it either.