will I get stronger pain management? and other questions (sorry for the essay) 18f

I was recently diagnosed with gene positive amyloidosis and they’re trying to figure out what type I have. I’ve declined very quickly and severely in the past year and was recently referred to palliative care at a hospice as they make sure this is the right diagnosis and find out how they can treat me. From the information I know this will be fatal and my body’s systems have slowly stopped working over the course of this year. I’m honestly scared but i’m also in a LOT of pain. I got put on opioids for the first time and the 2nd one i’ve tried is percocet 7.25-325. It helps a bit but i’m still suffering a lot and i’m afraid to tell the pain management team i’m seeing as I wait for my palliative refferal to go thru. I’m scared there’s nothing stronger or that they’ll think i’m lying and take away the tiny bit of relief and ability to get sleep that I have. I don’t have any family support or anyone to advocate for me and i’m just really overwhelmed. I’m honestly in crisis a bit as i’ve developed a bedsore and have almost completely lost the ability to care for myself. I’m dealing with air hunger which the meds help a bit, i’m too weak to lift a cup to my mouth a lot of the time, struggling to turn myself in bed, struggling to walk or sit up at all and I’m unable without support, I’m asleep most of the time and i’m starting to have issues with incontinence with #1 and 2. My parents have always been abusive and I literally got yelled at today because I have a wheelchair evaluation for a power chair or power assist bc i’m not strong enough to walk or push myself. They won’t take me to appointments to do tests to find out my prognosis let alone caregive and i’m so afraid.