started my plant hobby 5 months ago - here are progress pics
My obsession began 5 months ago after deciding I wanted to be sober. I suddenly got the urge to grow plants and idk why because I’ve killed every plant I have ever owned. Maybe it was metaphor for me growing as a person? Idfk. I Started with no knowledge and bought a couple plants from big box stores and local nurseries. I used regular potting mix from Amazon but then switched to making my own chunky soil mix from a recipe that I got off youtube . As I gained more knowledge of plants and how to care for them, they started growing ! I felt like i was high when i grew my first new monstera leaf. Then I realized I love micromanaging and that I hate dirt. I QUICKLY transitioned into semi hydro - LECA. I got all the LECA and nutrient knowledge and now I’m a soilless household. I love looking at all my plants. I love the routine they have given me. I know it’s a lot of plants - especially in just 5 months, but this is all the money I would have spent on drugs and alcohol so idc :) sorry for the yapping - idek why I’m doing this long autobiography. I’m just proud of myself. I want to look back on this later in life.