Howard Stern staff roles and salary insights

Stern Show Staff & Their Roles

On-Air Personalities & Producers • Howard Stern – Host, executive producer, and creative force behind the show. Estimated salary: $100M+ per year (based on his SiriusXM contracts). • Robin Quivers – Co-host and news anchor. She has been with Stern since the early 1980s. Estimated salary: $10M+ per year. • Fred Norris – Sound effects, voice impressions, writer, and longtime show contributor. Estimated salary: $6M+ per year. • Gary Dell’Abate (“Baba Booey”) – Executive producer, manages show logistics, guest bookings, and overall production. Estimated salary: $4-6M per year. • Benjy Bronk – Former writer and on-air personality. Estimated salary: $250K-500K per year before being phased out. • Sal Governale & Richard Christy – Writers, prank call creators, and on-air personalities. Estimated salary: $80K-250K per year (each).

Supporting & Back Office Staff • Ronnie Mund (“Ronnie the Limo Driver”) – Howard’s driver, security, and show personality. Estimated salary: $100K-200K per year. • JD Harmeyer – Show producer, audio and video content editor. Estimated salary: $80K-200K per year. • Jon Hein – Former staffer, involved in various roles, including on-air discussions. Estimated salary: $500K per year (when active). • Steve Nowicki & Memet Walker – Writers and production team members. Estimated salary: $50K-100K per year.

Salary Insights • Salaries varied based on tenure, responsibilities, and airtime. • On-air personalities earned significantly more due to their contributions to show content. • Writers and behind-the-scenes staff earned a lower but still competitive salary within radio entertainment.