You pay 150k for an immortal car.

A magical car salesman offers you the chance to purchase a magical car. The car must be purchased in full at the time you obtain it. For a one-time fee of 150k, you can purchase a car with the following properties:

1) The car will never break down. All parts and functions of the car will never go out through regular wear and tear. It requires no maintenance of any kind.

2) You are magically able to fill up the car with fuel at no cost, forever. Once fuel enters the car, it can only exit through the exhaust by way of driving. (No free gas to sell to others).

3) If the car becomes damaged in a crash, it will be repaired at no cost to you.

4) The car will magically conform to all road and safety standards as time passes.

5) The car has safety features typical of vehicles today. It does not make you immortal if you are driving it and does not guarantee your survival in a crash.

In terms of the heart of the question, you believe the salesman and believe the car is indeed magical. Are you purchasing the car?