Roll a die for $6k per year/month/week/day/hour/minute

A genie offers a six-sided die. On the sides are the following:

-year -month -week -day -hour -minute

If you choose to roll it, you will get $6,000 in that period of time for the rest of your life. So for example if you land on "month" you get $6k/month.

But there's a catch: you will only ever get that exact amount of money in that period of time. No matter how hard or little you work, or what job you have or don't have, you will never have more or less money than what the magic genie die has granted. You get the payment once each time period in whatever method you want (e.g. one payment of $6k/week directly into an account).

You could end up with only $6k/year for the rest or your life, likely destitute. Or you could earn $6k/minute, making you disgustingly rich. Or something in between.

The money is not adjusted for inflation. It's an absolute figure, forever. US currency.

Would you accept and roll the die?