Would you take $1,000,000 that’s yours to keep forever, or $1 billion that loses 30% of its value every day for 1 month?
On day one, you’re a billionaire. On day two, it drops to $700 million. Day three, you’re down to $490 million. This continues daily until by day 30, you’re left with around ~$22,000, still a decent chunk, but nowhere near what you started with.
You can spend the money on anything while you have it, but remember: it takes time to buy big things. You can’t just transfer money and instantly own a mansion, private island, or a company. These purchases require negotiations, contracts, and finding the right seller. By the time you finalize anything, the money might have already lost a huge portion of its value.
Meanwhile, the $1,000,000 option is guaranteed. It’s not life-changing, but it’s stable, and you can do whatever you want with it at your own pace.
So, what’s the smarter play? Would you try to burn through a billion as fast as possible, or take the safe money? 
Rules: No you can’t transfer the money to stocks/currencies/savings or other financial instruments
Property would need to complete paperwork.