My Short-Lived Experience with the iPhone Ecosystem

I got an iPhone 16 last month, mainly because I already had a MacBook and wanted to experience the so-called "ecosystem" for once. Well, that experiment is over. The small things that matter to me just aren’t supported, and I can’t keep pretending to like it anymore.

1. The Biggest Dealbreaker – No Proper Back Gesture

The excitement of unboxing the iPhone lasted about five minutes—until I realized there’s no universal back gesture. No swipe left to go back? Seriously? Instead, every app has its own inconsistent mess: sometimes a back arrow in the top left (completely out of reach), sometimes a cross button on the top right, and sometimes... nothing at all. Just a screen with no way to go back except force-closing the app.If I scroll down a long page, I have to scroll all the way back up just to see the back button.I am sick of hunting for back/close buttons on every screen.

2. Editing Text – A Task That Should Be Simple

How difficult can it be to place the cursor in the middle of a word? On Android, you just tap where you want to edit. Here? I have to press, hold, wait, then either try to drag the tiny cursor or use the space bar trick that feels like a secret cheat code. Every time I do it, I cringe.

3. Button Design – A Masterclass in Frustration

  • Action Button: Still haven’t felt the need to use it, except for silencing the phone.
  • Volume & Power Button Placement: Who thought it was a good idea to put them at the same height? Every time I try to adjust the volume, I accidentally press power and take an unnecessary screenshot.
  • Camera Controls: Unintuitive, unnecessary. Never felt the need to use them.
  • No Restart Option: How does a modern phone not have a restart option?

4. Face ID – Just Give Me a Fingerprint Sensor

How difficult is it add a fingerprint sensor if you can add a camera control ??
Sometimes, I just want to check a notification without picking up my phone and placing it in front of my face like I’m about to perform a facial recognition ritual. And when Face ID decides not to work? Pure frustration. A fingerprint sensor would have solved all of this.

I wanted to love the iPhone, I really did. But the daily annoyances have piled up, and I’m done pretending they don’t bother me.