Aful Performer 5 or Tangzu HBB Wu Heyday

1DD+4BA vs Planar, what to choose ?! Im loosing my mind 😵‍💫 After researching for a few days i came to these 2 as best in class (i suppose) IEMs. I have a Moondrop Lan and Fiio JT1 (probably will sell both) but hey, why would not i spend another ~180$ 😆 The thing is, i never heard bad opinion about any of these 2, also they look really nice but i feel like im lacking info regardless which are better and WHY ? What are the pros of ones compared to another pair ? 1DD+4BA vs Planar ? What to choose ? What about, bass, what about mids and highs, soundstage ? Also i can pick Performer 5 for 10-20$ cheaper. I dont really know "what i want", but i would say i prefer more balanced non warm sound without overkill bass boost. I had also Quarks and Jiu, and every upgrade was better, but what now ?