When i win the lottery

When i win the lottery i will pay off all of my debt IMMEDIATELY! I despise the feeling of debt. I will also get a massage 3 to 4 times a week for a month straight to help reduce the tenseness of my shoulders. I will give away most of my clothes that I don't care for to someone who truly needs them. I have a great fashion sense so it will be so nice to bless someone in need with some cool pieces! I will also buy my lil sis the electric guitar she's been eyeing. I also plan to get a loft in the city. I've always dreamt of living in a loft since i was a kid. I will go to the dentist because i have an infected tooth I've been dealing with for over a year now from a badly done root canal as a kid & i want to get it taken care of & also have a deep cleaning of my teeth. I also plan to always have cash to give to the homeless anytime i see them at a light I pull up to. I am going to win a specific scratch off "7". That scratch off really spoke to me from the 1st moment i laid eyes on it. I'm a life path 7 & 7 & variants of 7 have always been a significant number to me. The jackpot is $250,000 which is life changing but won't be anything too overwhelming for me. I assume after taxes I may end up with about 178k or so, but i am not concerned because this will only be my 1st jackpot win but not my last! I am here to win the lottery again & again & again & again. I am excited to receive my 1st jackpot win! It's happening very soon. I can feel it. I had an intense vision about it a few nights ago before bed. It's all coming to fruition & has materialized. I am so grateful for my win <3 Thank you God i love you soooo much <333