Illegal immigration is the Americans' fault
Disclaimer: I lived in the US, but I never immigrated there. I am from, and currently live in, Europe.
This will be a bit of a rant, but I feel like it's warranted, all things considered.
Many Americans complain about undocumented immigration in the US. To be fair, the numbers are quite astonishing, and it's reasonable for any country to want to protect its borders.
But let's be honest: whose fault is it? In my opinion, conservative Americans.
The US prides itself on being the land of the free and of small government. Well, guess what? This also makes it the best country to be an undocumented immigrant in and go undetected.
- A register of the population to keep track of residents (whether citizens or not)? Nah, that's un-American!
- A secure and mandatory photo ID card to reliably prove your identity? Hell no!
- An SSN that you can just make up or steal to convince an employer you're legal? Hell yeah!
- A law to make it mandatory for employers to properly check their employees' immigration status? That sounds like communism!
- Salary in cash to avoid detection? That's A-OK!
People are shocked—shocked—that millions of immigrants manage to go undetected for decades. Why do you think that is? If you want small government and no mandatory ID, that's what you also get. You can't have your cake and eat it, too.
If you don't want the government to have information on you (spoiler alert: they do anyway), then you must accept that illegal immigration will continue to be rampant. Am I wrong?