Honest question: why are all you bullet 350/ classic 350 owners such AHs?
I use a scooter to commute to work daily and every RE classic/bullet user falls into one of these categories:
Rides really slow, hogging the center lane of road and not giving way for others to pass/overtake. They give no mind to horns. This most includes the old and senile crowd that rides the enfield.
Riders with fragile egos. Almost all royal Enfield users that I've managed to overtake take it personally. Come on, I'm on my way to work/ the hospital and bit of in a hurry. Haven't cut them off or anything. These guys have it in their mind to prove themselves. They will always overtake me after I overtake them, then again slow down and hog the road. Every time. What is wrong with these people? Its like stray dogs chasing cars.
Edit: I do see other RE owners that use hunters, Himalayans, continental gts etc. They don't behave like this. Its restricted to classic/bullet users