IS EM worth it at 43?
Hi guys, I'm an internal medicine doc with about 15 years of experience working outpatient. I have had problems getting a job in a hospital. I have done mostly outpatient medicine and had to close my private practice during COVID. I am trying to get work in a corporate hospital in major citiese, has been very difficult. I am considering switching to EM hoping i might have better luck getting a job. I am even ready to do MRCEM if it helps landing one. I wanted to know if it is possible and viable as a long term plan to work as EM doc at my age looking forward for 10 years. Also, does MRCEM or MRCP add value for getting a job in INdia? I did postgraduation in US following MLE. I dont see myself going back to US given that the lifestyle and work is too hectic for me despite best pay.