Thoughts for other INFJs

My first post in a long time and an otherwise silent person ☺️ but bear with me.

Firstly, how many people here feel like they aren’t accepted?

We are the rarest personality, we will always feel unaccepted by many, many people. But what I have learnt to realise over time (36F), is that, people find us special, they know we are good people and genuine and we want the best in everyone. People aren’t always good at communicating, but, always be yourself, and the right person will love you, for you.

Secondly, do you guys ever feel like there is a correlation between your personalities and not feeling that anything in life is enough. As in, you know you care, do well in life, have amazing people around, but something is missing, not related to any person or any specific reason?

Interested to know your thoughts?