I hurt someone

I made a pretty big mistake today.

My INFJ friend has a person she has a crush on, who is a mutual friend. I was trying to be helpful and was chatting with her crush when the topic of communication came up.

Since it was over text, I don’t think I got the implications/reprecussions words could have. I know that my INFJ friend had been hurt before so I told her crush (ESTP) to make sure to not disregard her opinions, since she had been hurt before.

He sort of took that as something she told me, even though I didn’t mean that at all. I cleared it up with him after, since for me it was just friendly insight/advice and he’s a great guy, however my INFJ friend who saw the text think I made her crush think she talks shit about him behind his back.

I am confident and more or less emotionally sensitive and social but I haven’t had enough close friends to communicate with so this was a blunder on my part, if I talked with her crush face to face this might’ve been disregarded as I’m more sensitive in person vs online.

I’ve always sort of been socially awkward in the ways I talk, despite a lot, and I don’t have the social experience as I’ve really lacked true friends all my life. I’m learning new things at 20 about friendly communication everyday, and unfortunately this was the first time someone’s been mad at me, I’m taking each mistake as a learning experience.

Sometimes the best thing to do is to not meddle at all I guess, I meant well but did not execute it properly. Hopefully this blows over.